April 27, 2010

i took a couple days off from my full time job (awesome)... the weather is so lovely i would love to be outside more but i really need to get stuff done around the house.
today i had to take my bestie, jenn, to the airport... then i went to visit the mister at work. then off to the house to tackle some dishes and laundry.
tomorrow i have to clean the entire house... kinda dreading it but ill be excited after its done! nothing is better than a freshly clean house! wish me luck!
thursday im helping the bf move then work my part time job at 5... so probably no outside activities for me this mini vaca! these are what id love to be doing tho...

...anything outside would be delightful...





ill be day dreaming all day tomorrow while im cleaning

(photos via weheartit.com)

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